Seizures, brought on by aberrant brain electrical activity, occur repeatedly in people with epilepsy. One or more , ranging in severity, may occur suddenly or over time. If you suffer from seizures, it is crucial that you understand what kinds of foods might bring on an attack and what kinds of food are safe. People who suffer from epilepsy often need to alter their diet or exclude specific items entirely. Here are some of the main foods to avoid with epilepsy:

1. Blueberries

Blueberries are a healthy, tasty snack to enjoy throughout the day, but if you have tremor, you should know some vital information about them. According to WebMD, tall blueberries have been linked to seizures in rare cases. It’s thought that they may contain a toxin called “phytol” that may interfere with the action of certain anticonvulsant medications. For this reason, it’s usually recommended that people with epilepsy avoid blueberries altogether.

2. Red peppers

Some people with seizures have reported that they experience an attack when they eat dishes with red peppers. Red peppers contain an amino acid called L-glutamic acid, which is found in many vegetables and cheese, poultry, fish and some meats. It is produced by certain bacteria used to ferment foods such as cheese, tofu and sauerkraut.

3. Brazil nuts

One of the most common causes of food-related convulsions is food that contains high levels of phenylalanine (a naturally occurring amino acid) because it is converted into a toxic compound that can reduce the effectiveness of medications taken by people with tremor. Brazil nuts are particularly dangerous since they contain high amounts of phenylalanine. You should avoid eating them if you have contractions, especially if you’re taking seizure medication.

4. Eggs

Egg yolks contain high amounts of cholesterol, which can cause blood vessel damage to the brain, which leads to seizures. If you consume low-cholesterol foods such as egg whites along with your regular diet, this may help reduce your chances of experiencing an attack in some cases.

5. Apples

Apples are a popular fruit known for their crispy texture, sweet taste and distinct aroma. However, if you have epilepsy, they may not be the best choice for you. Red June or Carolina Red June apples contain a chemical called malic acid that can cause an epileptic seizure if consumed in large amounts. 

Identifying food triggers is one of the main challenges for people with contraction. Many foods and drink items can trigger seizures including MSG, chocolate, cheese, citrus fruits, nuts and nut products, fish, even carbonated beverages and aspartame (Equal) are among these triggers. Please discuss your symptoms, triggers, as well as treatment options such as anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) with your doctor and what types of foods can negatively impact your dosages.