We always seek comfort foods when our mood is down due to a long day at work or due to various stressful events. There has been a long relationship between food and its benefits on the brain. Today, there are a number of studies that have proven how certain categories of foods play a key role in alleviating one’s mood, especially when they suffer from depression. Here’s a list of the top foods that help one manage depression:

1. Oysters
This may not be a food item that you really paid attention to in terms of the benefits that it bears in treating depression. All forms of shellfish and mollusks like oysters carry a great amount of zinc, which is a key component in brain functioning. This is an ingredient that aids with not just mental clarity but also boosts both attention and behavior. Those diagnosed with depression usually have lower levels of zinc as a side effect or at times even as the cause for depression. Therefore, adding zinc-rich foods through these natural sources is essential. In addition, oysters are considered one of the best foods for depression as they also contain selenium, Omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin B12, all of which are key to keeping the brain healthy.

2. Wild blueberries
While all forms of berries bear a significant impact in boosting the health of an individual, wild blueberries, in particular, are highly recommended as a food for depression due to its Vitamin C and polyphenol properties. These antioxidizing agents not only help protect the brain cells from any form of harm but also enable the normal functioning of the brain during very stressful phases. This ingredient is well-known to swiftly improve the mood of both kids and adults. You can simply eat them or make exclusive smoothies or muffins for easy consumption.

3. Fermented foods
A study indicated how gut bacteria could possibly play a role in being a trigger for various mental health issues including depression. While the direct connection is yet to be laid out in detail, there are certain categories of foods that impact the health of the gut microbes. In order to keep the balance of these gut microbes — which may indirectly influence the brain’s health — it is important to choose fermented foods. One of the commonest foods in the fermented category includes yogurt, Kimchi, sauerkraut, miso, tamari, kombucha, etc. There are even studies that depict how the consumption of probiotic-rich foods end up reducing the risk of depression to a significant level.

4. Other foods
There are various other foods that help alleviate depression symptoms, and these include – salmon, leafy greens, walnuts, lean proteins, and beans. There is no one food that can end up curing depression immediately. Having a healthy mix of nutrient-rich foods will influence the wellbeing of the brain and thereby alleviate the condition. It is important to speak to your doctor and work out the right treatment plan for depression because food is just an indirect factor that can make things slightly better.