Diabetes type 2 is a metabolic disease that causes blood sugar levels to rise, which makes understanding sugar levels necessary to manage diabetes. There is generally an apprehension that you can’t eat as you want if you have diabetes, but it is only a myth. Yes, you have to be careful about what you eat, but the restrictions are not as wide as generally believed. Managing diabetes does not mean you cannot indulge in food.

The fear is greater when it comes to snacks, but you can select snacks made with diabetic-friendly ingredients. Snacks made with meat is not taboo. Diabetics are often advised to go on a low-carb diet to control blood sugar levels, and the protein intake should be higher to enhance energy levels. Here are some tasty and easy-to-make snacks for diabetes, with meat as the primary ingredient, making them rich in protein:

1. Beef sticks
Beef sticks are a high-protein food and an easy-to-carry snack option for you if you have diabetes. Instead of the packaged store-bought ones that are high in sodium, make your own at home. Marinate finely chopped slices of beef in a marinade of your choice for about 12 hours. Add some healthy vegetable fat and grill the marinated beef in a preheated oven. Your snack is ready.

2. Turkey roll-up
This high-protein, low-carbohydrate snack for diabetes just needs turkey breast slices to be wrapped around low-carb fillings like cheese, eggs, or veggies. The calorie content varies based on the filling.

3. Tuna salad
Tuna is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which lower inflammation and stabilize blood sugar levels. Add celery and onions to tuna to make a healthy salad. To increase the protein content, you can also add cheese and mayonnaise.

4. Egg and chicken muffins
Egg muffins are made by mixing eggs, shredded chicken, seasoning, and vegetables and baking it in a muffin tray. You can also add bell peppers, onions, and spinach.

5. Egg and chicken omelets
This is a high-protein breakfast food that can also be had as a post-workout snack that is beneficial for diabetes. You just have to add shredded chicken to eggs and make an omelet.

6. Grilled chicken with spinach
This snack is good for diabetes as it is high in protein, and spinach has high fiber content. You just have to grill marinated chicken, and when it is almost done, add stir-fried spinach and roast it for a few minutes. Serve it with hard-boiled eggs.

7. Boiled chicken salad
Any salad that has boiled chicken as the main ingredient falls under this type of salad. The ingredients that can be added to this salad are very versatile and can be swapped to suit your taste buds. You can add a binder like mayonnaise or any other salad dressing and serve it on lettuce, like tuna salad or egg salad. The chicken can also be fried, grilled, or roasted.
You can also substitute chicken with lamb meat or beef, which can be boiled, grilled, or roasted. When you use lamb or beef, reduce the quantity of meat in proportion to other ingredients.