Arthritis is one of the chronic pain conditions that has long been recorded in many ancient cultures. Old fashioned treatments like herbal remedies, heat therapies, natural painkillers were used to reduce pain and stiffness of arthritis. That was until the late 1800s and early 1900s, when new treatments known as Disease Modifying Anti Rheumatic drugs (or DMARDs) were commercially used to treat pain. However, many of these natural treatments still work or benefit prescription pain treatments.

Here are a few natural remedies that benefit arthritis:

1. Gold salts
Utilized in the early 1900s, gold salts were injected directly into the painful joints. However, this was not only expensive, and had many side effects like rashes, kidney damage, and also damage to bone marrow. Today there is renewed interest in this form of treatment and scientists are working on creating a gold-salt like drug that can help reduce arthritis pain.

2. Moxibustion
This is the name of a Chinese heat therapy that uses the heat generated by moxa wool, which is applied to the affected joints. Alternative medicine still finds this method very effective, where it is widely used to treat osteoarthritis in the knee and any specific painful joints in the body. Alternative systems like acupuncture use Moxibustion to relieve severe symptoms of pain and stiffness in arthritic patients.

3. Compresses
Similar to Moxibustion, warm compresses is an old fashioned treatment for arthritis. The warm compress uses the heat from the water to relieve the pain. A cloth dipped in hot water was applied to the painful joints. Frequent applications were used to help relieve pain naturally. Similar compresses can be made with cold water too. Both warm and cold compresses relieve pain, improve stiffness thereby increasing mobility. They’re also effective in curbing inflammation of the joints.

4. Turmeric
Turmeric is a spice that is a popular remedy for diseases caused by inflammation. Fresh turmeric can be used fresh in daily cooking. Today Curcumin supplements are available in powder and capsule form.

5. Ginger
Another root vegetable, ginger has long been used for many diseases to reduce inflammation and pain. This ingredient is an old fashioned treatment method for most common diseases and conditions.

6. Acupuncture
This ancient therapeutic system from China has proven to be effective in treating most forms of arthritis. Inserting tiny needles, acupuncture treatment increases the production of natural pain killers in the body that help relieve the pain. Regular use of acupuncture may provide significant relief to those who have severe symptoms of arthritis.

7. Massage
One of the earliest remedies for joint pain, regular massage from trained masseuse may relieve pain and also help to strengthen muscles and increase blood circulation over time. Massage also helps the muscles to loosen up, aids mobility and improves overall function.