Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes red, flaky patches to form on the skin. These patches can be itchy and uncomfortable, and they sometimes bleed. Psoriasis is a chronic condition that comes back over and over again in flare ups, with cycles of remission followed by symptoms reappearing. The cause of psoriasis is unknown, but it is thought to be related to the immune system. Flare-ups may be triggered by certain environmental factors such as stress, skin injury, or infection. 
Certain factors, like the soap used on your skin, can help soothe and relieve psoriasis symptoms

1. Avocado oil soap
If you have psoriasis, it’s essential to use a gentle and moisturizing soap. Soaps made with avocado oil are a good choice for people with psoriasis. Avocado oil is a natural moisturizer, and it also has anti-inflammatory properties. It can help to soothe and protect the skin, and it may help reduce the symptoms of psoriasis. This is because these soaps contain glycerin, vitamin E and avocado oil triglycerides, which effectively repair the skin

2. Coal tar soap
Coal tar soap is another good choice for people with psoriasis. Coal tar is a natural ingredient that has been shown to be effective in treating psoriasis. Some of its elements include a waxy or oily substance called sebac, as well as carbolic acid and cresol. The soap helps reduce inflammation and itching and slows the growth of skin cells. This can help clear up psoriasis patches and keep them from coming back. Coal tar soaps can be a bit harsh, so it’s important to use them sparingly

3. Soaps with aloe vera
Aloe vera soaps are another recommendation for people with psoriasis. Aloe vera is a natural ingredient that has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. It contains vitamin E and other antioxidants to protect the skin from inflammation. It can help reduce the symptoms of psoriasis, and it may also help promote healing. Aloe vera soaps are gentle and moisturizing, and they are available in many different varieties. As a result, it’s easy to find an aloe vera soap that will be gentle enough for your skin

4. Colloidal oatmeal soaps
Colloidal oatmeal is made from ground oats that have been boiled in water. The oats are then strained, and the water is evaporated. This leaves a fine powder that is rich in antioxidants, proteins, and lipids. Oats have long been used to treat skin irritations like psoriasis, and colloidal oatmeal soaps are gentle enough for most people with psoriasis. If you have susceptible skin, make sure to test the soap on a small patch of skin before using it all over your body

5. Salicylic acid exfoliating soaps
Salicylic acid is a chemical compound that can help to clear up psoriasis. It works by helping the skin shed and replace old and damaged cells. Salicylic acid soaps can help remove dead skin cells and unclog pores. If you have very oily skin, salicylic acid soap may be just what you need. Salicylic acid can help clear up psoriasis, but it is vital to use the soap only once or twice a day. The chemical compound does not have any effect on healthy skin cells, so you don’t want to overdo it