Coffee is a universally loved drink that is known to energize and refresh. No matter if you order coffee online and pick it up in store or you brew fresh coffee at home, you can enjoy the benefits it offers. Here are 6 health benefits that coffee offers to those who drink it:

1. Boosts energy

Coffee contains high amounts of caffeine which is known to increase energy levels and stave off fatigue. Caffeine boosts energy by blocking the receptors of adenosine, a neurotransmitter, which increases the amount of neurotransmitters in your brain that regulate energy levels, such as dopamine.

2. Lowers risk of depression

According to some studies drinking more than one cup of coffee per day significantly reduces the risk of depression. According to a review of several studies there was an 8% lower risk of depression for every cup of coffee that was consumed per day. Another study found that there was a significantly lower risk of depression when drinking at least four cups of coffee per day, compared with drinking only one cup per day.

3. Supports heart health

Supporting heart health is one of the more surprising benefits of drinking coffee but a benefit all the same. According to studies there is a 15% reduced risk of heart disease when drinking three to five cups of coffee a day, a 21% lower risk of stroke, as well as a significantly decreased risk of heart failure. However, caffeine does affect blood pressure levels so if you struggle with controlling your blood pressure levels it might be best to steer clear of too much caffeine.

4. Lowers type 2 diabetes risk

Coffee drinkers are in luck as a review of around 30 studies showed that every cup of coffee consumed led to a 6% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The reason that the risk is lowered is due to coffee being rich in antioxidants which can affect insulin sensitivity as well as coffee’s ability to preserve function of the beta cells in your pancreas, which can help you manage insulin levels.

5. Supports brain health

Your brain is the main center of functioning in your body, so keeping it healthy is essential. Luckily, drinking coffee has been shown to significantly lower risk of developing Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and cognitive decline.

6. Protects the liver

If you want to protect your liver, drinking coffee can help you do just that. One study found that there was a lower rate of liver cancer and scarring in those with liver disease when they consumed more than two cups of coffee per day. Another study found that there was a 15% lower risk of death from chronic liver disease when consuming one cup of coffee per day.