To keep teeth white without any treatment, eating the right type of food can help. Fibrous fruits and vegetables are healthy, low in calories, and rich in nutrients. Since they have to be chewed a lot, they help keep the teeth white and gum tissues healthy. A healthy diet with sufficient minerals and vitamins can help whiten the teeth and keep the stains away.

Some of the foods that are well known for their capacity to keep teeth from staining are fruits like apples, strawberries, and pineapples; vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, spinach, carrots, and celery; milk products like cheese and yogurt; and dry fruits and nuts like raisins, cashews, walnuts, and almonds:

1. Raw fruits
Fruits like apples are good teeth whiteners due to their high concentration of malic acid. Just chewing on this fruit scrubs teeth effectively. The malic acid improves the production of saliva which acts as a cleanser and removes stains. Pineapples, on the other hand, are rich in bromelain. It has anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties as well. Bromelain is used as an effective ingredient in toothpaste. Strawberries too contain malic acid and are also rich in antioxidants that reduce bacteria in the mouth. This prevents teeth stains and inflammation in the mouth. Vitamin C in strawberries prevents gum inflammation and periodontal disease.

2. Fresh veggies
Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and leafy vegetables like spinach are rich in fiber. Eating fibrous food is good for a healthy body and having them raw in salads require chewing which, in turn, produces antibacterial saliva. Raw broccoli can clean and polish the teeth and the iron content in it protects teeth against bacteria that degrade enamel. This, in turn, reduces stains and prevents cavities. The teeth are, therefore, cleaned and kept white naturally. They are anti-inflammatory and keep infections away. Celery, cucumber, and carrots are also considered as tooth whiteners due to their crunch factor. They wash away food debris due to their water content and make gums stronger.

3. Dry fruits and nuts
Seeds and nuts like almonds, cashews, and walnuts have an abrasive texture. They cleanse the surface stains acting as exfoliators for the teeth. Raisins are sweet and are considered good for the teeth. Having cereal with raisins helps clean the mouth. Chewing raisins stimulates saliva production, which prevents stains and plaque formation. Since the acidity is neutralized, cavities are also prevented.

4. Milk products
Cheese has enough minerals to keep the teeth healthy. The calcium, phosphorus, and protein in cheese help protect the enamel while the lactic acid prevents tooth decay. Hard cheese also stimulates saliva production which keeps teeth clean. Casein in cheese reduces mineral loss from tooth enamel. Milk and yogurt contain lactic acid and calcium which whiten teeth and strengthen them.

5. Water
Finally, water, the lifesaver, helps protects your teeth too. Drinking adequate water throughout the day keeps your teeth white. It rinses the mouth during and after a meal and does not let debris or lose plaque stick to the teeth.

Foods to be avoided are sugary and starchy foods and sweet drinks. The consumption of such foods should at least be minimized as the enamel gets exposed to acids. They are less harmful when had with a meal as the production of saliva with other foods can wash away the harmful acids of sugar and sweet foods.